Horn Litterature and references
- Thomas Dunker's list of references
- with his comments.
- "Modification of a Klipsch horn
- An article on horn speakers in general, and description of a
modification on a Klipsch corner horn.", Thomas H. Eberhard
- "Loudspeaker Acoustics - Horn Design", Electronics,
June 1941, pp. 58.
- "A Low-Frequency Horn of Small Dimensions", P.W.
Klipsch, J. Audio Eng.Soc., March 1979, Vol. 27, No. 3, p.141-148.
(Reprint of article from J.Acoust. Soc. Am, Vol. 13, pp. 137-144,
1941 October)
- "Design Factors in Horn-Type Speakers", D.J. Plach,
J. Audio Eng. Soc.,Vol. 1, pp. 276-281, 1953 October.
- "Development of Horn-Type Moving Coil Driver Unit",
J.K. Hilliard, J. AudioEng. Soc., Vol. 14, No. 4, 1966, pp. 252-xxx.
- "360 degree Conical Wavefront Loudspeaker for the New
York World's Fair",J.E. Volkmann, A.R. Morgan, and H.F. Olson,
J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 16,No. 2, 1968, pp. 130-xxx.
- "One Kilowatt Cylindrical Wavefront Loudspeaker for the
New York World'sFair", J.E. Volkmann, J. Audio Eng. Soc.,
Vol. 16, No. 2, 1968, pp.136-xxx.
- "Horn-Loaded Electrostatic Loudspeaker", J. Merhaut,
J. Audio Eng. Soc.,Vol. 19, No. 10, 1971, pp. 840-xxx.
- "Acoustical Impedance, and the Theory of Horns and of
the Phonograph", A.G.Webster, J. Audio Eng. Soc., January/February
1977, Vol. 25, No. 1/2, pp.24-28. (Reprint of 1919 article)
- "The Function and Design of Horns For Loudspeakers",
C.R. Hanna and J.Slepian, J. Audio Eng. Soc., September 1977,
Vol. 25, No. 9, pp. 573-585.(Reprint of 1924 article)
- "Discussion: The Function and Design of Horns For Loudspeakers",
J. AudioEng. Soc., March 1978, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 131-138. (Reprint
of 1924article)
- "A High-Efficiency Receiver for a Horn-Type Loudspeaker
of Large PowerCapacity", E.C. Wente and A.L. Thuras, J. Audio
Eng. Soc., March 1978, Vol.26, No. 3, pp. 139-xxx. (Reprint of
1928 article)
- "A Study of Theatre Loud Speakers and the Resultant Development
of theShearer Two-Way Horn System", J.K. Hilliard, J. Audio
Eng. Soc., Nov 1978,Vol. 26, No. 11, pp. 843-850. (Reprint of
1936 article)
- "High-Efficiency Three-Way Speaker System", S.J.
White, J. Audio Eng. Soc.,July 1955, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 155-159.
- "Horn-Type Electrothermal Loudspeakers", T.S. Paige
and M.A.K. Hamid, IEEETrans. on Audio and Electroacoustics, Vol.
AU-20, No. 3, Aug 1972, pp.218-222.
- "Horn Loudspeaker Design", J. Dinsdale, Wireless
World, March 1974, pp.19-24. Note: In his paper,
Parow mentions there are errors in the tablesof tractrix horn
- "Horn Loudspeaker Design - Part 2", J. Dinsdale,
Wireless World, May 1974,pp. 133-138.
- "Horn Loudspeaker Design - Part 3", J. Dinsdale,
Wireless World, June 1974,pp. 186-190.
- "Horn Loudspeaker Design", Letters to the Editor,
T. Hevreng and J.Dinsdale's reply, Wireless World, June 1974,
pp. 180.
- "Horn Loudspeaker Design", Letters to the Editor,
J. Dinsdale, WirelessWorld, May 1982, pp. 60.
- "The Manta-Ray Horns", C.A. Henricksen and M.S.
Ureda, J. Audio Eng. Soc.,Vol. 26, No. 9, 1978, pp. 629-xxx.
- "Historical review of horns used for audience-type sound
reproduction",J.K. Hilliard, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 59,
No. 1, January 1976, pp. 1-8.
- "An efficiency constant comparison between low-frequency
horns anddirect-radiators", D.B. Keele, Jr., AES Preprint
1127, 54th Convention, May4-7 1976.
- "A New Piezoelectric Driver Enhances Horn Performance",
J.R. Bost, J. AudioEng. Soc., 1980 April, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp.
- "Acoustic Radiation of a Horn Loudspeaker by the Finite
Element Method -Acoustic Characteristics of a Horn Loudspeaker
with an Elastic Diaphragm",N. Kyounu, S. Sakai, S. Morita,
T. Yamabuchi, and Y. Kagawa, J. Audio Eng.Soc., Vol. 30, No. 12,
1982 Dec, pp. 896-905.
- "A new look at horn speakers", A. Orlowski, Hi-Fi
News & Record Review,January 1983, pp. 39-43.
- "A loudspeaker horn that covers a flat recatngular area
from an obliqueangle", D.B. Keele, Jr., AES Preprint 2052,
74th Convention, Oct 8-12 1983.
- "Horn layout simplified", B. Thurmond, AES Preprint
2167, 76th Convention,Oct 8-11 1984.
- "Wide dispersion frequency invariant acoustic lens",
M.W. Ferralli and J.White, AES Preprint 2267, 79th Convention,
Oct 12-16 1985.
- "Computer Simulation of Horn Loaded Compression Drivers",
E. Geddes and D.Clark, AES Preprint 2286, 79th Convention, Oct
12-16 1985.
- "Spruce moose: a slightly bent horn", E.J. Czerwinski,
M.D. Buck, and A.Duncan, AES Preprint 2311, 79th Convention, Oct
12-16 1985.
- "Optimization procedure for computer designing a horn
loudspeaker", M.A.Milosevic and M.V. Gmitrovic, AES Preprint
2360, 79th Convention, Oct 12-161985.
- "An omnidirectional sound source", P. Lunden, AES
Preprint 2431, 82ndConvention, March 10-13 1987.
- "Horn speaker having continuously changing cross section",
M. Ohkawa and H.Yoshii, AES Preprint 2664, 2nd Regional Convention,
Tokyo, Jun 17-19 1987.
- "Horn Loading Revisited", R.M. Harris, Elektor in
Australian ElectronicsMonthly, Oct 1987, pp. 38-44.
- "Acoustic waveguide theory", E.R. Geddes, AES Preprint
2547, 83rdConvention, Oct 16-19 1987.
- "General equivalent electrical circuits for acoustic
horns", J. Kergomard,AES Preprint 2575, 84th Convention,
March 1-4 1988.
- "Equivalent circuits for conical waveguides", A.H.
Benade, J. Acoust. Soc.Am, Vol. 83, No. 5, May 1988, pp. 1764-1769.
- "Apparent apex part II: the three dimensional case",
M. Ureda, AES Preprint3040, 90th Convention, February 19-22, 1991.
- "Tractrix Horns: Improved Imaging and Phasing",
R. Delgado, K. Geist, andJ. Hunter, Audio, March 1991, pp. 36-40.
- "Horn Modelling with Conical and Cylindrical Transmission
Line Elements",D. Mapes-Riordan, AES Preprint 3194, 91st
Convention, Oct 4-8, 1991.
- "Apparent apex part III: the three dimensional case",
M. Ureda, AESPreprint 3166, 91st Convention, Oct 4-8, 1991.
- "Modeling of the Nonlinear Behaviour of a Horn Loaded
Compression DriverSystem", R. Schmitt and W. Klippel, AES
Preprint 3256, 92nd Convention,March 24-27, 1992.
- "Impulse Meaasurement of Acoustic Impedance of Horns",
P. Pribyl and D.Holan, AES Preprint 3270, 92nd Convention, March
24-27, 1992.
- "A Computational Model of Horn Loudspeakers", J.
Backman, AES Preprint3512, 94th Convention, March 16-19, 1993.
- "Directivity Phase Response of Horns", M.S. Ureda,
AES Preprint 3593, 94thConvention, March 16-19, 1993.
- "The Boundary Element Method and Horn Design", D.J.
Henwood, J. Audio Eng.Soc., Vol. 41, No. 6, 1993 Jun, pp. 485-496.
- "Round the horn", P. Newell, Studio Sound, March
1994, pp. 59-nnn.
- Comments on "Horn Modelling with Conical and Cylindrical
Transmission LineElements", Letters to the Editor, J.T. Post
and E.L. Hixson (includingauthor's reply), J. Audio Eng. Soc.,
Vol. 42, No. 6, 1994 June, pp.497-498.
- "The Convolution Method for Horn Array Directivity Prediction",
M.S. Ureda,AES Preprint 3790, 96th Convention, February 26-March
1, 1994.
- "Beam Width Change of Transducer Array Directional Patterns",
D. Ruser, AESPreprint 3829, 96th Convention, February 26-March
1, 1994.
- "On the Specification of Moving-Coil Drivers for Low-Frequency
Horn-LoadedLoudspeakers", W. Marshall Leach, Jr., J. Audio
Eng. Soc., 1979 December,Vol. 27, No. 12, pp. 950-959.
- "Every One-Parameter Acoustic Field Obeys Webster's Horn
Equation", G.R.Putland, J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 41, No.
6, 1993, pp. 435-xxx.
- "Acoustic Waveguide Theory Revisited", E.R. Geddes,
J. Audio Eng. Soc.,Vol. 41, No. 6, 1993, pp. 452-xxx.
- "Acoustic Waveguides - In Practice", P.D. Bauman,
A.B. Adamson, & E.R.Geddes, J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 41, No.
6, 1993, pp. 462-xxx.
- "Measurement of Input Impedance of Loudspeaker Horns",
T. Salava, J. AudioEng. Soc., Vol. 29, No.6, 1981, pp. 416-xxx.
- "Impulse Measurement of Horn-Type Loudspeaker Drivers",
J. Merhaut, J.Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 34, No. 4, 1986, pp. 245-xxx.
- More on "Impulse Measurement of Horn-Type Loudspeaker
Drivers", J. Merhaut,J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 35, No. 3,
1987, pp. 144-xxx.
- "Designing horn loudspeakers",
Ketil Parow, Electronics and WirelessWorld, January 1996, pp.