Lowther Club of Norway – links
Please observe: as these pages are no longer kept up to date on a regular basis, I suspect that some of these links will be dead.
- Bjørn Kolbreks homepage: A great resource for horn calculations, flare design and other reference materials. Heavy on the theory, but also practical and empirically oriented. You can also download the hornrespmerge software from there.
Lowther Club of America: Active site with lots of infornation on Lowther cabinets. Some good stuff on the BigFun and the AllFun here.
Thomas Dunkers horn page Very informative page with lots of general info on horns, pictures of some very exotic horn installations and other useful stuff.
The web site of James Melhuish is probably THE BEST source of DIY infomation on the internet. A wide range of information on cabinetry, drivers, some theory, good links, etc.
Finn Hammer of Denmark has a site well worth visiting; some tractrix math, a beautiful valve amp, and miscellaneous information.
Lowther Loudspeaker Systems ltd. now have their own WWW site. Product information, list of vendors, etc. Currently under construction, so check back once in a while.
If I had time left after building speakers, Son of Zen from Pass laboratories would definitely be my next amp. Pure work of genius.
A truly great commercial loudspeaker using Lowther drivers is made by Beauhorn, Great Britain
Other beautifully built commercial designs by Carfrae, Great Britain. Man, they look good.
A dedicated list server for discussing Lowther issues has been establihed by Bert Doppenberg.