My. Oh. My. Due to a number of issues on the web site and problems with external links to it, I decided I had to do something.
The world on the web has certainly changed a lot since I first put this site up in 1995. Static pages as we knew them are almost gone. Mobile devices came along, and all of a sudden all of our (static) web pages were rendered even more useless.
The Audio world has probably not changed as much, but when I look back on this site now, it seems clear that things indeed have changed. Streaming, Class D amplifiers, active speaker configurations, smaller loudspeakers that perform amazingly good. I could go on. Suffice to say, the audio world has changed. A lot!
But; trends come and go, and it seems to me that open-baffle, horns and low-powered amps have not gone away, and may even be in for a(nother) renaissance. I do not have any plans to revitalize the site and/or add new content, but it seems only fair (and maybe useful for some) that I brush it up a bit, and make it more visible to folks that are searching the web for information on these things.
So, I have vamped it up a bit:
The page you are currently reading (and probably a lot of others) will be kept "as is". A nice reminder of how things looked in 1995! If you've landed on this page and are still reading, I'd recommend navigating around the whole site. After 27 years, some of them make for a pretty nostalgic and fun reading experience.